Prof Dr Helene von Bibra
Helene von Bibra studied medicine in Munich, Germany.
She qualified in internal medicine and in cardiology and focused on the study of cardiac function by echocardiographic and tissue Doppler techniques.
She became appl. Professor for Internal Medicine/Cardiology of the Technical University, Munich in 1999.
Career summary:
Clinical work in cardiology at the following institutions:
Klinikum Großhadern, Munich, Kings College and Brompton Hospitals, London,
Municipal Hospital München-Schwabing Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich.
Scientific work 1997 in Linköping, Sweden, from 1998 – 2002 at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, in the diabetological departments of the Municipal Hospital München-Schwabing (Prof. Mehnert) and the endocrinological department of the Municipal Hospital Bogenhausen, Munich.

She published <100 articles in peer reviewed medical journals
and delivered >100 lectures/talks in Europe, USA, Asia and Australia
My work and passion:
Interdisciplinary clinical research on the importance of dysmetabolic mechanisms such as insulin
resistance for myocardial function, perfusion and energy generation, highlighting the inherent therapeutic potential that implies dietary improvement of HFPEF (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction). The respective evaluation of myocardial function in patients with diastolic dysfunction/HFPEF and the metabolic syndrome/diabetes was carried out by tissue Doppler that allows a mathematically more correct evaluation and quantification of diastolic dysfunction based on the dominant age dependency of diastolic function.
Recent publications:
von Bibra H, Wulf G, St John Sutton M, et al. A Low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet improves diastolic cardiac function and the metabolic syndrome in overweight-obese patients with type 2 diabetes. IJC Metabolic & Endocrine 2014;2:11-18
von Bibra H, Paulus W, St John Sutton M, et al. Quantification of diastolic dysfunction via the age dependence of diastolic function - impact of insulin resistance with and without type 2 diabetes. IJC 2015; 182: 368–374
von Bibra H, Siegmund T, Kingreen I, et al. Analogue Insulin in Multiple Daily Injection Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes improves Postprandial Glucose Control Compared to Human Insulin, associated with Beneficial Effects on Cardiac Function – a Randomized Controlled Long-Term Study. Cardiovascular Diabetology.2016, 15:7-17
von Bibra H, Ströhle A, St. John Sutton M, Worm N. Dietary therapy of heart failure preserved ejection fraction and/or left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with metabolic syndrome. IJC 2017;234:7-15.
von Bibra H, Saha S, Hapfelmeyer A, Müller G, Schwarz P. Impact of the triglyceride / high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio and the hypertriglyceremic-waist phenotype to predict the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. HMR 2017;49:542-549