Prof Dr Barbara Kofler PhD
Barbara Kofler, PhD,
a.o. Univ-.Prof.
Research Program for Receptor Biochemistry and Tumor Metabolism Department of Pediatrics
Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria
1986- 1987
Studies of Chemistry: University of Innsbruck
Diploma thesis: University of Innsbruck, Institute of Biochemistry
PhD thesis: University of Innsbruck, Institute of Biochemistry

Professional Experience
since 02/1995
since 2010
Postdoctoral training, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Neurobiology Division, Sydney Australia
Head of the diagnostic and scientific laboratories Department of Pediatrics, Paracelsus Medical University
Head of the Research Program for Receptor Biochemistry and Tumor Metabolism
“Award for Excellence in Research“ at the third St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Symposium (1993)
Erwin Schrödinger fellowship for research at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Neurobiology Division, Sydney Australia (1994)
“Postdoctoral Fellow Award” Summer Neuropeptide Conference Matha’s Vineyard (1994)
“Golden Award for Excellence in Research” of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (2007, 2008)
Femtech Expert of the Month (April 2010)
“Manfred Zimmerman Award 2011“ European Neuropeptide Club
“International Price for Research” (2011) City of Salzburg
“Clemens of Piquet Price” (2016) Austrian Society for Childhood and Adolescent Medicine
Scientific Interests
Neurogenic inflammation
Neuropeptides as regulators of body functions
Role of Neuropeptides in cancer
Mitochondrial tumor metabolism
Targeting of tumor metabolism
Austrian Science Fund (FWF, deputy research consultant for Biochemistry since October 2014)
FEBS (Member of the fellowship committee 2005-2008)
Austrian Life Sciences and Biotechnology (Board member since 2008)
American Society for Neuroscience
European Neuropeptide Club (Treasurer since 2010)
Austrian Neuroscience Association (Board Member 2016-2018)
Editorial Boards
Neuropeptides (since 2010 Review Editor)
Experimental Dermatology (2015-2017)
Organisation of meetings
2001 Joint national Meeting of the Austrian society for biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics and gene-technology, biotechnology and gene therapy, Salzburg, Austria
2003 Member of the local organzing committee of the national meeting in pediatrics
2003 Member of the local organizing committee of the national meeting in allergy and immunology, Salzburg, Austria
2006 Joint national Meeting of the Austrian society for biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics and gene-technology, biotechnology and gene therapy
2008 Dreilländerkongress Mitochondriale Medizin, Salzburg, Austria
2009 “Neuropeptide Festival 2009” Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria
2013 “Galanin” Satellite Symposium of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, US
2015 “Galanin” Satellite Symposium “Neuropeptides 2015“ Meeting, Aberdeen, UK
2015 Dreilländerkongress Mitochondriale Medizin, Salzburg, Austria