Dr Eline Dekeyster PhD
Neurobiology and Ophthalmology ▪ Vaccines and Immunology
Science teaching
Communication and team spirit
People management and Mentoring
Research & Development
Data Analysis & Interpretation ▪ Project Management

1. Connection and Communication: I have developed good presentation skills, by presenting at National and International conferences during as well as after my PhD. I have experience in both University and High-school Teaching, and in training/mentoring colleagues in an industry setting. As Educational Developer, I was guiding teaching assistants and professors in developing educational skills, also contributing to the development of a new course (Science and Sustainability). By working as a Project Lead (coordinating sample analysis for clinical trials), I found out to be skilled in networking and smoothening collaborations, as well as in stimulating people in their personal development.
2. Scientific knowledge: I have built solid scientific knowledge by studying a Master of Science, further elaborated during PhD and post-PhD experience. Performing scientific research, resulted in numerous publications and scientific awards. I have a strong problem-solving mindset.
3. Technology Proficiency: Technically proficient with knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook); statistics and graphs software (Graphpad, Statistica, JMP); imaging and graphical design (Indesign, Photoshop); scientific analysis (Image J, Axiovision, Fluoviewer, Flowjo); literature (Pubmed, Web of Science); and references software (EndNote).
4. Languages: Dutch: native speaker; English: professional; French: good, German: notice
PhD in Science; KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (Sept 2015) Neural circuit development and regeneration research group
Research Topic: "Glaucoma and the brain: a novel therapeutic approach towards retinal ganglion cell protection"
Master in Biology, Minor Physiology; KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (Jul 2011) Award: “Best Biology student”, by Botany and Zoology alumni of KU Leuven Grade: Maxima Cum Laude, +9/10
Bachelor in Biology, Minor Biochemistry & Biotechnology; KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (Jul 2004) Grade: Summa Cum Laude, +8.5/10
Teaching degree; Centrum Voor Volwassen Onderwijs, Leuven (May 2016) 1st Year, Grade: Maxima Cum Laude, +9/10
2nd Year: Put on Hold because of job opportunity in the Netherlands
Project Lead | Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson and Johnson, Leiden, The Netherlands June 2018 – Present
Key Responsibilities:
▪ Leading several cross-departmental process improvement initiatives.
▪ Project Lead for the Human Papilloma and HIV vaccine programs.
▪ Consultant for the Ebola and Filovirus vaccine program.
▪ Mentor for new Project leads and Scientists, currently for the Flu vaccine program.
Science and Business Fellow | Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson and Johnson, Leiden, The Netherlands May 2016 – May 2018
Key Responsibilities:
As a Scientist in the pre-clinical department (first year), I worked on the HPV vaccine program. I was responsible for the design and execution of pre-clinical experiments; data integrity, interpretation, and presentation.
As a Scientist and Project Lead in the Clinical Immunology department (second year), I managed assay development and sample analysis for multiple clinical trials from the the Ebola and Filovirus vaccine program (both early and late phase trials). I was also involved in interactions with external funders and regulatory agencies.
Within the Clinical Immunology department, I took the lead in a process improvement initiative, focusing on lean and process excellence, e.g. by implementing the FPX methodology.
Educational Developer | KU Leuven, Faculty of Science, Leuven, Belgium Sept 2015 – Apr 2016
Key Responsibilities:
A new course, Science and Sustainability, was to be developed for the Faculty of Science. I facilitated the team of Professors to design the content and structure of the course.
I setup collaborations with external partners (e.g. Ecopower, Energy Ville, Yuso, Leuven klimaatneutraat, Organisatie duurzame energie Vlaanderen) to ensure internship positions for the students. I reached out to external parties to ensure internship locations for the students.
I was teaching the interactive Teacher assistant training course for young PhD students, to help them manage their PhD and guide students during internships, resulting in positive overall response.
PhD Student | KU Leuven, Faculty of Science, Leuven, Belgium Oct 2011 – Sept 2015
Key Responsibilities:
I conducted extensive consultative scientific research, using diverse research methodologies/techniques and statistical models, and published/ presented results including scientific articles; carried out experimental work and designed experiments including performing in vitro and in vivo experiments
Grants and Awards: FWO (Funds for Scientific Research Flanders) fellowship in 2011, FRO (Funds for Research in Ophthalmology) in 2014 by Braille Liga and FRO prize 2012 by la société Royale de Philantropie, BSN (Belgian Society of Neuroscience) grant in 2015.
I contributed to the organization of public events such as Kids University, Science for Fun, The week of the Brain etc.
Geeraerts, E., Claes, M., Dekeyster, E., Salindas-Navarro, M., De Groef, L., Van den Haute, C., Scheyltjens, Il, Baekelandt, V., Arckens, L., Moons, L. Optogenetic stimulation of the superior colliculus confers retinal neuroprotection in a mouse glaucoma model. Journal of Neuroscience 17, 0872-18 (2019)
Elens, I., Dekeyster, E., Moons, L., D’Hooge, R. Methotrexate affects cerebrospinal fluid folate and Tau levels and induces late cognitive deficits in mice. Submitted to Neuropharmacology (2018)
De Groef, L.*, Dekeyster, E.*, Geeraerts, E., Salinas-Navarro, M., Moons, L. Differential visual system organization and susceptibility to experimental models of optic neuropathies in three commonly used mouse strains. *joined first authorship. Experimental Eye Research 145, 235-247 (2016)
Geeraerts, E., Dekeyster, E., Gaublomme, D., Salinas-Navarro, De Groef, L., M., Moons, L. A freely available semi-automated method for quantifying retinal ganglion cells in entire retinal flatmounts. Experimental Eye Research 147, 105-113 (2016)
Dekeyster, E., Geeraerts, E., Mebis, C., Buyens, T., Salinas-Navarro, M., De Groef, L., Moons, L. Tackling glaucoma from within the brain: an unfortunate interplay of BDNF and TrkB. PloS ONE 10, e0142067 (2015)
Dekeyster, E.*, Aerts, J.*, Valiente-Soriano, F.J., De Groef, L., Salinas-Navarro, M., VidalSanz, M., Arckens, L., Moons, L. Ocular hypertension results in retinotopic alterations in the visual cortex of adult mice. *joined first authorship. Current Eye Research 40, 1269-83 (2015)
Van houcke, J., De Groef, L., Dekeyster, E., Moons, L. The zebrafish as a gerontology model in nervous system aging, disease, and repair. Ageing Research Reviews 24, 358-368 (2015)
De Groef, L., Van Hove, I., Dekeyster, E., Stalmans, I., Moons, L. MMPs in the neuroretina and optic nerve: modulators of glaucoma pathogenesis and repair? Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55, 1953-1964 (2014)
Verslegers, M., Van Hove, I., Dekeyster, E., Gantois, I., Hu, T., D'Hooge, R., Arckens, L., Moons, L. MMP-2 mediates Purkinje cell morphogenesis and spine development in the mouse cerebellum. Brain Structure and Function 220, 1601-1617 (2014)
Verslegers, M., Van Hove, I., Buyens, T., Dekeyster, E., Knevels, E., Moons, L. Identification of MMP-2 as a novel enhancer of cerebellar granule cell proliferation. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences 57, 63-72 (2013)
De Groef, L., Van Hove, I., Dekeyster, E., Stalmans, I., Moons, L. MMPs in the trabecular meshwork: promising targets for future glaucoma therapies? Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54, 7756-7763 (2013)
De Groef, L., Dekeyster, E., Gaublomme, D., Moons, L. Glaucoma from eye to brain: are MMP-2 and MMP-14 involved? Bulletin de la Société Belge d’Ophtalmology 320, 35-36 (2012)