Prof Dr Säemann
Prof. Dr. Marcus D. Säemann
Date of Birth: February 3rd 1971
Place of Birth: Vienna
Citizenship: Austrian

2. Education
Training Course Health Care and Hospital Management (Medical Executive Managers), MBA, Danube University Krems
2008-2010 Fellow in Nephrology, Medical University of Vienna
2002-2008 Resident in Internal Medicine, Medical University of Vienna
1998-2002 Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Immunology, University of Vienna
1995-1998 Thesis at the Institute of Immunology “Bacterial Tolerance induction“, (Prof. Dr. G. Zlabinger), University of Vienna
1989-1998 Study of Human Medicine, University of Vienna
1989 University-Entrance Diploma (humanistic secondary school G3, Kundmanngasse 1030 Vienna)
3. Training, Academic and Professional Appointments
2017 Professorship for “Nephrology” at the Sigmund-Freud Private University, Vienna
2016 Director of the 6th Med Dept, with Nephrology & Dialysis, Wilhelminenhospital Vienna
2011 Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical University of Vienna
Senior physician at the Department of Internal Medicine III, Clinical Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Deputy Chief of the Nephrology Ward, Outpatient Clinic, Transplantation Outpatient Department, Intensive Care, Chronic Hemodialysis Clinic. Clinical responsibility for clinical decisions and problem solving for all Clinical Departments of the General Hospital of Vienna
2006 State doctorate “Bacterial and therapeutic Immunomodulation“ and Venia legendi “Internal Medicine” at the Medical University of Vienna
2. Visiting Scientist, Department of Surgery, University of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (Prof. D. Sutherland)
2002 Research group leader “Translational Nephrology“, Medical University of Vienna
3. Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Immunology, University of Vienna
1994-1998 Research Fellow (Thesis) at the Institute of Immunology, University of Vienna
4. Specifications regarding profession
a. Senior Physician Internal Medicine and Nephrology since 2008
responsible for:
complete renal outpatient setting
renal ward incl. General internal medicine ward
intensive care with acute and interventional nephrology
renal transplant patients
chronic hemodialysis unit
peritoneal dialysis unit
b. Clinical sklills:
Duplex-sonography Kidneys and urogenital tract
Duplex-sonographie AV-Shunts
Kidney Biopsy
Mikroscopic urinary analysis
Pleura-, Lymphozelen-, Aszites-, Perikardpunktion
Heart Ultrasound
Abdomen Ultrasound
Tracheal intubation, non-invasive ventilation
Central venous catheters
Extracorporal therapy: hemodialysis, hemo(dia)filtration, plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption
c. Scientific Group Leader
Since 2002, main focus on „Translational Nephrology and Immunosuppression“ and „Innovative therapeutical strategies“ consisting of 10-15 staff members including Post-Docs, Diploma-/PhD-Students, Doctoral students and medical technologists.
d. Principal Responsibility for International Recommendations and Guidelines
2015 European Best Practice Guidelines for the “Management of patients with diabetes and chronic kideny disease“ (ERA/EDTA)
2013-2014 Recommendations for the Treatment of Post-Transplant Diabetes mellitus (ESOT 2013, Am J Transplant 2014)
e. Organisation of National and International Scientific Meetings (selection)
Austrian Society of Nephrology, Vienna, October, 2014 (Congress President)
German Congress of Nephrology DGfN, Berlin 2014
Austrian Society of Transfusion, Genetics and Transplantation, Tirol, September 2013
Czech-Austrian Meeting on Nephrology, Vienna, December 2012
Austrian Society of Transfusion, Genetics and Transplantation, Rust, September 2012
Symposium: Gender and Nephrology, Vienna, September 2011
Central European Joint Meeting of Immunology, Vienna, December 2010
Secretary of the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI) 2007-2010
Symposium: HIV and Kidney, Vienna, September 2010
Symposium: Gender and Kidney, Salzburg, October 2010
Austrian Society of Transfusion, Genetics and Transplantation, Villach, October 2010
Austrian Congress of Allergology and Immunology, Salzburg, November 2009
European Congress of Immunology (ECI), Berlin, September 2009
Austrian-German Joint Congress of Nephrology, Vienna, September 2008
f. Organisation of National und International Clinical Studies (www.ClinicalTrials.gov)
Novel immunosuppressive protocols in renal transplantation:
ELEVATE Study (CRAD001A2429)
Certi-CMV (NCT00828503)
ADHERE (NCT01363752)
Innovative Clinical Studies in New Onset Diabetes after Transplantation (NODAT):
TIP-Trial (NCT00830297)
VINODAT Study (NCT00980356)
GCPD Study (NCT01346254)
SAPT-NODAT Trial (NCT01680185)
ITP-NODAT Trial (NCT01683331)
Innovative Therapeutical Strategies in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease:
BVM-Reg Study (NCT01416753)
EVOLVE Study (NCT00345839)
RASQUAL (EudraCT Nr.: 2012-000250-55)
EPOCH (EudraCT Nr.: 2012-002175-34)
g. Establishment of novel continuing medical education courses
2014 Founder of Soundsandscience (www.soundsandscience.com)
2009 Creation of the Nephrology Summer School Mattsee, Salzburg as training
course for young nephrologists (see http://www.niere-hochdruck.at)
2008 Organization of Symposia focusing on gender aspects in nephrology (Salzburg 2012 and Vienna 2011, 2015).
2006 Establishment of the educational course R.E.N. taking place twice a year (focus: chronic kidney disease and renal transplantation, see http://www. r-e-n.at).
h. Teaching
Establishment of the Bachelor and Master Program of the Core Curriculum implementing and Medical Decision Making at the Sigmund-Freud Private University
Nephrology PhD Programs (including lectures: Immunology & Immunity, Endocrinology & Metabolism)
Doctoral Program for Organ failure-, replacement and Transplantation (POET)
Lecture Internal Medicine (Chronic Kidney Disease, Acid-Base Disorders)
Clinical & Bedside Teaching: Clinical Skills
Mentorship: GenderFit Program
Clinical-Practical Propaedeutics
Problem-oriented Learning (POL), Case Study Learning
Journal Clubs
Doctoral Seminar: Organ transplantationen
Specialized seminars (diploma theses, project studies)
Nursing practice school
PhD-students: n=4, State doctorate: n=2, Theses n= 2, Diploma students of the Curriculum of the Medical University of Vienna n=8.
Diploma theses of the Academy of Medical Technologists, Vienna n=4
i. PhD- , Diploma-, and Doctorate Students (2004-2015)
2012-2017 Oliver Domenig: “Defining the Role of the Tissue-Specific Renin-Angiotensin-System” (PhD Program Endocrinology and Metabolism)
2012-2017 Christopher Kaltenecker: “Identifying and manipulating novel axes of the Renin-Angiotensin-System in chronic kidney disease” (PhD Program Endocrinology and Metabolism)
2010-2015 Chantal Kopecky: “The quality of HDL in uremia - novel biomarkers for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality” (PhD Program Immunology)
2009-2014 Marko Poglitsch: “Molecular mechanisms of CMV-mediated host immune evasion” (PhD Program Immunology)
2010-2011 Felix Lechner: “Treatment of transplant-associated hyperglycemia with oral antidiabetic agents”
2009-2011 Dominik Döller:“Transplant-associated hyperglycemia: a cross-sectional study”
2010-2012 Christian Voigt: “New-Onset diabetes after transplantation and HbA1c”
2010-2011 Thomas Schreibmüller: “Uncovering disease mechanisms in transplant-associated hyperglycemia using continuous glucose monitoring”
2011-2013 Peter Sauerzapf: „Thrombotic microangiopathy in renal transplantation: pathophysiology and clinical management at a large transplant institution”
2009-2012 Michael Haidinger: “The role of the mammalian target of rapamycin on human dendritic cell function and differentiation”
2008-2009 Ann-Christin Hille: “Present Status of the Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney recipients with type I diabetes at the Medical Univ. of Vienna”
2006-2008 Philipp Steininger: “GSK3-a/b as immunosuppressive target”
2006-2008 Barbara Vodenik: “Inhibition of mTOR prevents the anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids”
2004-2006 Marko Poglitsch: “Insights into the molecular mode of malonotrilamides on T-cell activation”
5. Research Focus
Cardiovascular Focus:
Renin-Angiotensin System: Novel diagnostics and therapeutics
Diabetic Kidney Disease
HDL in Chronic Kidney Disease
Post-Transplant Diabetes mellitus (PTDM)
Biomarkers in Chronic Kidney Disease
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Chronic Kidney Disease
Combined Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation
Tuberous Sclerosis
Hereditary Amyloidosis
Immunological Focus:
Immunosuppression after Organ Transplantation
Transplant Immunosuppression
Transplant-associated Microangiopathy
Transplant Infection
c. Honors and Awards
2017 Prize of the Austrian Diabetes Association (senior author)
2017 Prize of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2014 Prize of the Austrian Society of Nephrology (senior author)
2013 Carl-Ludwig Preis of the German Society of Nephrology
2012 Research award of the Austrian Society of Nephrology (senior author)
2012 Abstract Prize of the Austrian Society of Nephrology (senior author)
2012 Prize of the Austrian Society of Internal Medicine (senior author)
2012 Biotest Prize of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2012 Award of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2012 Prize of the German Hypertension League (senior author)
2012 Research award of the Austrian Society of Diabetes (senior author)
2011 Biotest Prize of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2011 Prize of the Austrian Society of Nephrology (senior author)
2011 Young Investigator Award of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2011 Abstract Prize of the Austrian Society of Diabetes (senior author)
2011 Karl-Landsteiner Prize of the ÖGAI (senior author)
2010 Young Researcher Award of the Austrian Society of Diabetes (senior author)
2010 ERA/EDTA National Grant (senior author)
2010 Biotest Prize of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2010 Abstract Prize of the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology (senior author)
2010 Young Investigator Award of the Austrian Society of Diabetes (senior author)
2009 Sanofi-Aventis Prize (senior author)
2009 Biotest Prize of the Austrian Society of Transplantation (senior author)
2009 Young Scientist Award, World Congress of Nephrology (senior author)
2009 „Signaling Breakthrough of the Year“ (Science)
2009 “European Day of Immunology” Prize (European Federation of Immunological Societies)
2007 State doctoral Prize of the Medical University of Vienna
2008 Young Investigator Award of the European Society of Organ Transplantation (Senior author)
2006 Travel Award of the of the Austrian Society of Transplantation
2005 Karl-Landsteiner Prize of the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology
2005 ‘Researcher of the Month’ of the Medical University of Vienna
2005 Theodor-Billroth Prize
2004 Audience Award of the Austrian Society of Nephrology
2002 Young Investigator Award (European Renal Association/European Dialysis and Transplantation Association)
2002 Abstract Prize of the German Society of Nephrology
2002 Aventis Prize (coauthor)
2001 Aventis Prize
2001 Anton-von-Eiselsberg Prize
2000 Young Investigator Award of the German Society of Nephrology
2000 Oral Presentation Prize of the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology
d. Manuscript and Grant Reviewer, Editorial Board Member
Nature Medicine
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
European Journal of Clinical Investigation (Associate Editor 2002-2009, Editorial Board 2009)
Transplant International (Editorial Board 2004)
American Journal of Transplantation
American Journal of Pathology
Journal of the RAAS
BMC Medicine
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
American Journal of Renal Physiology
American Journal of Cellular Physiology
Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation
BMC Nephrology
European Renal Association/European Dialysis & Transplant Association Scientific Committee
Transplant Infectious Disease
Trends in Microbiology
Molecular Medicine
Drug Discovery Today
Journal of Immunology
Molecular Immunology
Int. Archives of Allergology and Immunology
BMC Immunology
Mutation Research
The Middle European Journal of Medicine
ASAIO Journal
Hemodialysis International
IBD Hughes Research Institute (USA)
Research into Ageing (UK)
Cancer Research (UK)
State doctorate Reviewing of the Medical University of Vienna
e. Grant Support
Federally funded:
2011/2012 NIH Grant, cooperation with Prof. Akinlolu Ojo, Ann, Arbor, MI, “A Clinical Trial to prevent NODAT“, 1R01DK092475-01, PI-Europe: Study beginning December 2012, 396.808 EUR (515.850 USD)
2011-2013 Else-Kröner-Fresenius Foundation: „Proteomic analysis of HDL and Evaluation of novel biomarkers in Diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid Arthritis, chronic kidney disease and acute coronary syndrome“, 189.930 EUR
2009-2010 Jubilee Funds Austrian National Bank: “CMV and the mTOR pathway for immune evasion”, 76.000 EUR
2007-2009 Else-Kröner-Fresenius Foundation: “Regulation of innate immunity by HDL: implications and evaluation of novel therapuetic strategies in chronic kidney disease”, 198.484 EUR
2007-2008 Else-Kröner-Fresenius Foundation: “The role of Tamm-Horsfall Protein in the pathogenesis of cast nephropathy”, 152.040 EUR
2003-2005 Jubilee Funds Austrian National Bank: “JAK3 as immunosuppressive target”, 78.000 EUR
Privatly funded:
2016 Effect of SGLT-2 inhibition on the renin-angiotensin system in patients with chronic kidney disease with and without type 2 diabetes.
2012 “IVIG in CMV infection after prophylactic valgancyclovir treatment”, 66.451 EUR (Baxter)
2012 “Establishing a reno-cardial Research Cluster at the Medical University of Vienna: „HFPEF und CKD“, 20.000 EUR (Fresenius)
2012 “Study of Paracalcitol on RAS metabolites in chronic renal insufficiency”, 15.000 EUR (Abbott)
2012 “Evaluation of Aliskiren on angiotensin metabolites in nondiabetic proteinuria”, 10.000 EUR (Novartis)
2011 “Continuous glucose monitoring in post-transplant diabetes mellitus”, 17.708 EUR (NovoNordisk)
2011 “Blood Volume Regulation in Hemodialysis”, 20.000 EUR (Nikkiso)
2010-2012 “ELEVATE Study: early everolimus in renal transplantation“, 14.290 EUR (Novartis)
2011 “The role of mTOR during CMV infection“, 33.330 EUR (Pfizer)
2009-2011 “Everolimus as novel anti-CMV strategy”, 15.000 EUR (Novartis)
2009-2011 “Vildagliptin in new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation“, 10.000 EUR (Novartis)
2009-2011 “Analysis and treatment of pre-diabetes after renal transplantation “, 10.000 EUR (Takeda)
2009-2010 “Insulin treatment in stable renal transplant patients“, 10.000 EUR (Novartis)
2008-2010 “Treat-to-target trial of basal insulin in post-transplant diabetes mellitus“, 49.500 EUR (Astellas)
2008-2010 “MR-Diffusion and Tension imaging in renal transplantation”, 7.000 EUR (Astellas)
2007-2009 ”Impact of erythropoietin on innate immune cells”, 7000 EUR (Amgen)
2007-2008 “Evaluation of functional & morphological changes in patients with diabetic nephropathy”, 16.000 EUR (Amgen)
2006-2009 “Prospective, Immunogenicity Surveillance Registry (PRIMS) to Estimate the Incidence of Erythropoietin Antibody Mediated Pure Red Cell Aplasia”, 2.600 EUR (Janssen-Cilag)
2006 “Evaluation of Cinalcet Therapy“, 23.300 EUR (Amgen)
f. Commitee Memberships and Consultantshipts (selection)
2016 ERA-EDTA Scientific Committee
2015 World Congress of Nephrology 2015 Abstract Committee
2015 European Society of Transplantation (ESOT) Abstract Committee
2013-2015 ERA-EDTA Paper Selection Committee
2012 International Advisory Board on the Treatment of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex via mTOR inhibition (Novartis), Vienna
2012 Annual Meeting of the Austrotransplant Society, Rust
2012 Austrian Society of Nephrology, Graz
2007-2011 Young Scientist Association, PhD Symposium, Vienna
2011 American Transplant Congress, Philadelphia
2010 European Congress of Immunology, Berlin
2009/10 European Advisory Board on Everolimus in Renal Transplantation (Novartis), Vienna
2008 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Wolfgangsee, Salzburg
2007 Austrian Society of Nephrology, Mautern
2006 American Transplant Congress, San Franciso
2006 Expert Panel Review, Astellas Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Rome
g. Society Memberships
2008 Austrian Society of Diabetes
2006 Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
2003 European Society of Organ Transplantation
2003 International Society of Organ Transplantation
2002 Austrian Society of Nephrology (Board Member since 2010)
2002 German Society of Nephrology
1999 Austrian Society of Transplantation
1998-2004 American Society of Immunology
1995 Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology, ÖGAI (Secretary 2007-2010)
h. Patents
11/2010 “HDL Proteome and Biomarker Kit in Chronic Kidney Disease“, No. 11164223.7
i. Talks (selected from >30 Talks per year)
Invited lecture: “Overview about the current state of Post-Transplant Diabetes mellitus”, London Royal-Society of Medicine 2017
Invited lecture: “Post-Transplant Diabetes mellitus: Treatment options”, New Orleans, ASN 2017
State-of-the-art lecture: “Cholesterol metabolism in chronic kidney disease”, Vienna ERA-EDTA 2016
State-of-the-art lecture: “HDL in chronic kidney disease, London ERA-EDTA 2015
State-of-the-art lecture German Society of Nephrology, Berlin: “Diabetes treatment in chronic kidney disease”, Berlin September 2014
State-of-the-art lecture German Society of Nephrology, Berlin: “Post-Transplant Diabetes: the new recommendations”, Berlin September 2014
Invited lecture: “Basic topics of mTOR inhibition in renal transplantation”, Kidney Transplant Symposium, Tokyo 2013
Invited lecture: “Viral infections after renal transplantation: Focus CMV”, Eppendorf Klinikum, Hamburg 2013
Invited lecture: “HDL before and after renal transplantation, University of Aachen, Aachen 2013
Invited State-of-the-art lecture: “Tuberous Sclerosis and Angiomyolipoma: emerging treatment options”, TSC days, Frankfurt 2012
Invited talk: “Infections after renal transplantation”, German Nephrology Meeting, Münster 2012
State-of-the-art lecture: “Diabetes after renal Transplantation”, German Renal Transplant Meeting, Munich 2012
Invited lecture: “HDL and uremia: novel insights”, Nephrology Forum, Munich 2012
Invited talk: “The right ventricle and renal failure”, Austrian Cardiology Congress, Salzburg 2012
Invited State-of-the-art lecture: “Renal transplantation and metabolic complications”, Medical University of Hannover, Hannover 2012
Invited lecture: “Tuberous Sclerosis and Angiomyolipoma and mTOR inhibition”, Nordic Tuberous Sclerosis Meeting, Copenhagen 2012
Invited State-of-the-art lecture: “Preventing NODAT after renal transplantation”, World Congress of Transplantation, Berlin 2012
Invited State-of-the-art lecture: “mTOR and solid organ transplantation”, World Congress of Transplantation, Berlin 2012
Update “Diabetic Nephropathy“, Hämodialyseseminar, Pörtschach 2012
Invited lecture: “Highlights in International Nephrology”, Austrian Congress of Nephrology, Graz 2012
Invited lecture: “Prevention of NODAT after renal transplantation”, 14th Transplant Workshop University of Freiburg, Hinterzarten, Freiburg 2012
Invited lecture: “Uremia and HDL”, Berliner Dialyseseminar, Berlin 2012
“The place of mTOR within the human immune system”, TransVir Meeting Vienna 2011
State-of-the-art lecture: “Diabetes Management after solid organ transplantation”, Medical University of Graz, Graz 2011
Invited talk: “New-onset Diabetes after Renal Transplantation”, German Nephrology Meeting, Berlin 2011
Key note lecture: “New-onset Diabetes after Transplantation”, Austrian Society of Internal Medicine, Innsbruck 2011
“Dysnatremias: Etiology and Individualized Therapy”, Austrian Physician Board, Advanced Training Course, Vienna 2011
Overview: “HDL and chronic kidney disease”, Austrian Hypertension and Nephrology Meeting, Gmunden 2011
State-of-the-art lecture: “Diabetic Nephropathy: Management after solid organ transplantation”, Heart-Kidney Meeting, Vienna 2011
“Gender differences in renal transplant recipients”, Gender Symposium Nephrology, Vienna 2011
“Plasmapheresis therapy: what are the indications in the intensive care setting?”, Hemofiltration Meeting, Bad Ischl Upper Austria, 2010
Key Note lecture: “Immunosuppression and malignancy”, International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Vancouver 2010
State-of-the-art lecture: “The importance of diagnosis and therapy of post-transplant hyperglycemia”, Austrian Nephrology & Hypertension Soc. Meeting, 2010
“Implications of mTOR biology for solid organ transplantation”, Klinikum Eppendorf, Hamburg 2010
State-of-the-art lecture: “Immunosuppression after malignancy”, Austrotransplant Society, Villach 2010
Pro-Con Session “Pancreas Transplantation for Type 2 Diabetes”, Austrotransplant Society, Villach 2010
State-of-the-art lecture: “Pretransplant evaluation and selection of immunosuppression”, Salzburg 2010
“Gender specific aspects in transplantation medicine”, Gender Symposium Nephrology, Salzburg 2010
“Antagonistic mode of action of mTOR inhibition on glucocorticoids”, European Congress of Immunology, Berlin 2009
Key Note lecture: “Pharmacological Interactions: Insights into immunomodulation in allogeneic immunosuppression”, International Islet and Pancreas Transplantation Congress, IPITA, Venice 2009
State of the art lecture: “Pathogenesis and treatment of urinary tract infection”, Austrian Society of Internal Medicine, Vienna 2009
“Which immunosuppressants and when for whom?”, Medical University of Graz 2009
“Novel Insights into immunosuppression-mediated inflammation” World Congress of Nephrology, Milano 2009
State-of-the-Art lecture: “Molecular Mechanisms Operative During Urinary Tract Infection”, Univ. Clinic for Nephrology, Zurich 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture: “Immunosuppression: now and tomorrow: an overview“, Annual meeting of the Austrotransplant Society, Salzburg 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture: “Innate Immunity during urinary tract Infection”, Nephrology Meeting, Berlin 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture: “mTOR as a regulator of innate immunity”, Advanced Targeted Therapies, Rapallo 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture: “The importance of macrophages and neutrophils for urinary tract infection”, Max-Delbrück Center, Charite, Berlin 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture: “Steroid-free Immunosuppression in Renal Transplantation”, Annual meeting of the Austrotransplant Society, Salzburg 2008
State-of-the-Art lecture “Impact of innate immunity on the process of allogeneic transplantation” , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nephrologie, Essen 2006
“Innate immunity: the neglected arm of innate effector systems”, TX360 Symposium, Vienna 2006
State of the Art lecture: “Innate immunity and allogeneic transplantation” Austrian Society of Nephrology, Semmering 2006
State of the Art lecture: “Overview of novel immunosuppressive protocols”, NephroMeeting, Fuschl 2006
<>·Invited talk: “The mammalian target of rapamycin is a negative regulator of NF-kB in professional antigen-presenting cells: impact on innate immunity”. American Transplant Congress, San Francisco 2006
Invited talk: “NF-kB regulates TCR/CD3 complex recruitment into the immunological synapse”, 3rd International Congress of Immunosuppression, San Diego 2005
Invited talk: “Profound disruption of the Immunological Synapse Formation by the novel immunosuppressant FK778”, 3rd International Congress of Immunosuppression, San Diego 2005
“C2-Monitoring in renal transplantation", Transplant Conference, Vienna 2005
Invited talk: “The active metabolite of leflunomide A77 1726 interferes with dendritic cell function”, Keystone Symposium on Dendritic Cells, California 2005
Invited talk: “Initiating allograft immunity: effect of immunosuppression on evolution of the Immunological Synapse”, 5th Basic Science Congress on Transplantation, Nantes, 2005
“Human monocyte-derived dendritic cells express high levels of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE): modulation by vitamin-D and implications for renal disease”, 28. Scientific Congress for Hypertension, Hannover 2004
j. Original articles and Reviews – peer reviewed
see pubmed.org: > 145 articles: Hirsch-Index 28